The EKO GEARLUB series is an excellent quality
range of lubricants designed for industrial applications
in which lubricants with high pressure additives are required
(EP). Used for lubricating industrial reducers
including endless screws and sub-assemblies
gears, in applications where the operating temperature can
up to 90oC. EKO GEARLUB lubricants are
suitable also for lubricating bearings and bushings, with the
provided that the metals are not affected by the additives
high pressure (EP).
They have an excellent ability to carry high
or impact loads, resistance to oxidation at high temperatures, resistance to
temperatures and excellent separation ability from water and
excellent protection against micropsoriasis (micropitting).
DIN 51517 PART 3 CLP, DAVID BROWN S1.53.101
(E), AIST 224, AGMA 9005-E02 (EP).